Hardware & Software
AIE teaches the latest industry standard software
AIE students will be taught to use the most up to date software on the latest hardware to ensure they are ready to enter the industry on completion of their course. The software that is used at AIE is constantly being updated and reviewed in consultation with our industry partners. As the latest hardware comes to market, AIE students will have access to these platforms as they develop their projects.

Software used in each course
Some of the hardware you will use while studying at AIE
Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality system that completely immerses you inside virtual worlds.
Play Station dev Kits
Playstation 4 controllers.
NVidia Shield Tablets
The NVIDIA SHIELD tablet is a high-performance tablet that can transforms into a serious gaming machine if required.
RED Camera
Carbon Fibre RED EPIC Dragon with Super35mm sensor. High-resolution 6K digital camera for major motion pictures such as the ‘The Martian” with Matt Damon.
AIE current standard computer specification: Intel i7 Haswell CPU's, 16-32BG RAM, SSD's and nVidia GTX970 4GB graphics cards. Each computer has dual monitors to best facilitate learning and ergonomics.
Render Farms
In house computer HP Proliant Blade render farms to process animations created by our students.
AIE Campus Facilities
AIE provides state of the art facilities and equipment to provide hands on training for all their students.